ATG - Advanced Dreamweaver 4.0 Workshop

Handout (PDF, 910KB)


System requirements
Intro topics - things you should be familiar with from previous classes
    1. Floating palettes
    2. Setting up site
    3. Insert text/hyperlink/images
    4. Page properties
    5. Table (Ch. 7 p. 183-202)
    6. Publish
    7. Rollover images (p. 276-277)
    8. Image map
    9. Flash text

    - skip Frames (Ch. 8 p. 203-220)
    Note : Frames or Tables? see Macromedia support file

Copy class materials and pre-class preparations - see handout for details


  1. Usability
    - 404 error (p.506-508) internal link and external link problems sample file
    - Browser capability sample file
    - Bad tags sample file
  2. Accessibility
    - Section 508 sample file
    - Size and Speed sample file
  3. Presentation
    - Layout view (Ch. 6, p. 421-424, p. 167-182)
    - Layer to table (optional)
  4. Consistency
    - Reusable Content - Library (p.396-403) sample file
  5. Interactivity
    - CourseBuilder sample file
  6. Special Feature (optional)
    - Clean up Word HTML sample file fix the 87 lines file down to 15 lines
    - Web Photo Album 2.0 (without Fireworks 4.0 - no thumbnails)
    - Site map
    - Learning Site


Macromedia Dreamweaver Product page

Macromedia Dreamweaver Support page

Macrimedia Exchange for Dreamweaver (need to registration to get a Macromedia ID before you can download extensions)

Macromedia Education Resrouce Center

Macromedia Dreaweaver Accessibility page

Macromedia Dreamweaver 4.01 release note

Macromedia Dreamweaver documentation errata

Macromedia Dreamweaver online forum news://

more URLs on Dreamweaver reviews, usability, tutorials

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