Wake Forest University

East Asian Languages and Literatures, Chinese,

Patrick Edwin Moran

Zhu Zi Yu-lei, Juan 1, item 5


論陰陽五行,曰:「康節說得法密,橫渠說得理透。邵伯 溫載伊川言曰:『向惟見周茂叔語及此,然不及先生之有 條理也。』欽夫以為伊川未必有此語,蓋伯溫妄載。某則 以為此語恐誠有之。」


论阴阳五行,曰:「康节说得法密,横渠说得理透。邵伯 温载伊川言曰:『向惟见周茂叔语及此,然不及先生之有 条理也。』钦夫以为伊川未必有此语,盖伯温妄载。某则 以为此语恐诚有之。」


׳AGud`okKA뻡ozzCB ŸtGyVPZyΦAMΥͤ z]CzܤҥHtyA\BŦkCYh HyۦCv


УԻ˵÷ܣ˵͸۲ ԻΩïPˣȻ֮ ҲշΪδдDzءij Ϊֳ֮


[Zhu Xi] discussed Yin-Yang and the Five Components of Activity, saying: "The way [Shao] Kang-jie discusses them is closely reasoned. and the way that [Zhang] Heng-qu discusses them is penetrating. Shao Bo-wen records the words of [Chen] Yi-chuan: 'I have never known of the words of Zhou Mao-shu reaching to this level, so his explanations are not as finely laid out as those of my own teacher.' Qian-fu thought that [Chen] Yi-chuan had not necessarily [really] said this, and that it was a fabrication by [Shao] Bo-wen, [but] I believe that [Chen Yi-chuan] probably really was made such a statement.


I am not sure of the correctness of "I have never known of the words of Zhou Mao-shu reaching to this level, so his explanations are not as finely laid out as those of my own teacher," Judging by the surface meaning, I would think the first clause actually should mean, "I have never seen [where] Zhou Mao-shu discusses this," and the second clause should be, "however, [his explanations] are not as finely laid out as those of my own teacher." However, if he has not seen a discussion then how can he judge that discussion to be inferior to that of someone else? In any event, this passage does not seem particularly relevant to philosophical concerns.

-- PEM

The Chinese text was checked against the Zhu Zi Yu-lei on 16 July 2003.