Wake Forest University

East Asian Languages and Literatures, Chinese,

Patrick Edwin Moran

Zhu Zi Yu-lei, Juan 1, item 29


ぱ琌虹┏斗琌帝み竮﹍眔ぱ笲ē ぇら㏕琌锣礛Τ锣┏ぃ熬孩 ―狗


天只是一个大底物,须是大著心肠看他,始得。以天运言 之,一日固是转一匝,然又有大转底时候,不可如此偏滞 求也。□。

UTF8: traditional:

澶╁彧鏄竴绠囧ぇ搴曠墿锛岄爤鏄ぇ钁楀績鑵哥湅浠栵紝濮嬪緱銆備互澶╅亱瑷 涔嬶紝涓鏃ュ浐鏄綁涓鍖濓紝鐒跺張鏈夊ぇ杞夊簳鏅傚欙紝涓嶅彲濡傛鍋忔化 姹備篃銆傚儵銆

UTF8: simplified:

澶╁彧鏄竴涓ぇ搴曠墿锛岄』鏄ぇ钁楀績鑲犵湅浠栵紝濮嬪緱銆備互澶╄繍瑷 涔嬶紝涓鏃ュ浐鏄浆涓鍖濓紝鐒跺張鏈夊ぇ杞簳鏃跺欙紝涓嶅彲濡傛鍋忔粸 姹備篃銆傗枴銆


Heaven is nothing more than a large thing. One must enlarge one's heart and guts to look at it, otherwise you will not get it. In terms of the revolutions of heaven, one day is indeed one revolution, but there are at times also greater revolutions. One cannot seek it in a biased and stagnant way.


It is unfortunate that we are not told what some student of Zhu Xi's said to produce this response. From the general flow of ideas in this passage, it appears that the student may have said something that implied that his concept of Heaven amounted to nothing more than the daily revolution of the sun and stars across the sky above.

-- PEM

(checked against ZZYLDQ 13 June 2003)