If you need Chinese fonts for the Windows system, you can download free fonts from the WWW:



When you double-click on one of the above links, you should see your computer begin to download the compressed font file. After the compressed font file downloading is completed, the compressed file will open immediately in WinZip (which is part of the WFU standard load). You will see
"Win-Zip - bkai00mp.zip
(or gkai00mp.zip if you are downloading the simplified file)
on the top line, and below that you will see several buttons,
"New, Open, Favorites, Add, Extract, View, Check Out, and Wizard."
You want to extract (or decompress) the file you just downloaded, so you should click on

Another screen opens. It is labeled "Extract." Below that you will see
"Extract to:
and below that you may see a destination already filled in. You probably won't find that it has selected the font file for you, so you will need to search for the font file. Go to the right side of that window which is labeled "Folders/drives:" At the very top you will see "Desktop," and immediately below that you will see a plus sign next to the words "My Computer." Click on the plus sign to reveal the disk drives, that are on your computer. From that list, select the C: drive by clicking on its "+" sign. Scroll down toward the very end of the list that just appeared and select "Windows" by clicking on its "+" mark. About midway down that list there is an entry for "FONTS:. Select that entry by clicking on the file icon. Now, on the left side of the WinZip screen you should see the "Extract to" entry change to "C:\WINDOWS\FONTS."

The next step is to click on the "Extract" button. After you have closed the WinZip screen, you can go to the Windows folder on your C: drive, and within that you will find a folder called "Fonts." There, near the top, you should see AR PL KaitiM Big5 and/or AR PL KaitiM GB. Fonts for traditional Chinese are in an arrangement called "big 5," and fonts for simplified Chinese are in an arrangement called "GB."

The font or fonts that you downloaded should now be available for your computer to use.

In Netscape, go to the "Edit" menu. From that menu, select "Preferences...:
When the "Preferences" menu drops down, select:
Fonts For the Encoding: Traditional Chinese
Variable Width Font: AR PL KaitiM Big5
Fixed Width Font: AR PL KaitiM Big5

Fonts For the Encoding: Simplified Chinese
Variable Width Font: AR PL KaitiM GB
Fixed Width Font: AR PL KaitiM GB

(Or, for simplified, you can continue to use SimSun, which was installed with the WFU "standard load.")