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Slideshows of the Oral Presentations in the conference have now been posted online (password protected - available only to conference participants).

We'd like to thank all participants for a successful conference!

Click here for the registration form.

The general schedule of events and the scientific program can now be downloaded.

Manuscript and author information has been posted.

The list of accepted abstracts are now online.





Richard Williams Wake Forest University
Bill Moses Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Chuck Melcher University of Tennessee
Kim Ferris Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Pete Santago Wake Forest University Medical School
Burak Ucer Wake Forest University

The 9th International Conference on Inorganic Scintillators and their Applications will be held June 4-8, 2007 on the campus of Wake Forest University. Scintillators are important for applications ranging from airport security to medical imaging to oil exploration, and for large international experiments in high-energy particle physics and astrophysics. A scintillator converts high-energy radiation to pulses of light that can convey both the location and energy of the intercepted ray. Topics of interest at the meeting range from fundamental processes of radiation interaction and light emission to crystal growth, defects, material engineering, quality inspection, and applications. Beginning in 1992, the SCINT conferences have been held in Chamonix, San Francisco, Delft, Shanghai, Moscow, Chamonix, Valencia, and last in the Crimean city of Alushta. Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC, USA welcomes the next forum on scintillators.


Copyright 2007 Wake Forest University