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LaTeX Information

Obtaining LaTeX

For PC: MiKTeX is used widely. I recommend that you follow the "Installing the complete MiKTeX system" as additional packages that you might need (Beamer) are sometimes not installing on the fly as they should.

In addition to MiKTeX, you will also need a text editor. There are several options for text editors. TexWorks now comes with the download of MiKTeX. A second possible editor is the shareware program WinEdt. {A number of license for WinEdt are maintained by the Math Department for version 5.* and 6.*.} Another choice is a freeware program WinShell.

For MAC: MacTex is an option.

For Linux: You might try Kile under the KDE desktop environment.

The Beamer class will allow you to make presentation slides (like PowerPoint). You probably need to install the FULL version of MiKTex. Two sample Beamer files.

Poster sample files from Tommy Guy.

WFU Thesis Style (Updated by Dr. John May 2012)

The WFU Thesis style file can be found in this folder. You will need to download/save the file wfuthesis.cls. In this folder, you will also see a sample thesis, ThesisExample.TEX. This is a skeleton of a thesis that you can download and use as a framework for your thesis.

If you need a "List of Abbreviations" in your thesis, there is a sub-folder containing an example. To create the list from within WinEdt, you must also download and configure a macro. The example thesis contains a link to the macro and instructions for installation.

Exporting a Maple File

You can export a Maple file into a Latex file. To compile the file you will need the two style files and definition file found here. A sample tex file exported from Maple along with a sample graph is also contained in the folder.

Some Reference Books:

Web site references: