Truth, Reality, and Objectivity: Philosophical Themes in Physics

Pandemic Plan


If circumstance arise that result in the class not being able to meet as usual, the course will be taught using Blackboard on-line or (if that becomes unavailable) using printed documents.


The course in Blackboard contains all the questions that will be used for class discussions, all of the questions for quizzes, and all of the written paper assignments.

The course will continue on-line using the discussion boarding Blackboard, in which the assigned discussion leaders will pose each discussion question and the rest of the class will respond, with the discussion leaders (and instructors) moderating the discussion.

Quizzes will be given as usual, papers assigned and e-mailed back and forth between instructors and students, and the schedule will be followed as posted in announcements and according to the assigned quizzes and discussion questions. Timed midterm and/or Final exams will be given via the assignments page.


If the internet is likely to no longer be working, all of the course material will be printed and/or burned onto a CD and mailed to the students. Students will complete each unit, reading on their own, and writing out answers to the quiz questions and class discussion questions. They will complete the paper assignments and mail all work to the instructors.