This page contains links to some of my interests outside of chemistry. In the left column, you'll find links to various photo albums - a nice combination

of two interests: travel and photography. In the center column, you'll find links related to astronomy. Astronomy has been a hobby of mine for a long, long time.

Though it is a science, I enjoy it primarily for its aesthetic value and as a relaxing hobby. The right column contains a link to my publications outside of chemistry,

which, to date, are all in astronomy. I hope to expand this selection. The photos linked here may be down from time to time as I make room for course materials.

Feel free to save any that you like, but if you reproduce them, give due credit.

Texas Star Party 2005

Big Island 2005

White Sands 2005

Tour du Mont Blanc 2004

Sunrises, sunsets, and shadows

Messier Marathon Eternal Hall of Fame (read carefully!)

Winston-Salem Astronomical League

Forsyth Astronomical Society

Sky and Telescope (magazine)

Astronomy (magazine)

The International Dark-Sky Association

The Hubble Space Telescope photo archive

Sky and Tel's Links page



PBJ Publications in Astronomy
Comet Hyakutake, 1996
The Horsehead Nebula, Nov. 1989