Some Recent Publications on Adult and Juvenile Unionid Mussels

Tankersley, R. A. and R. V. Dimock, Jr.  1992. Quantitative analysis of the
         structure and function of the marsupial gills of the freshwater mussel 
        Anodonta cataracta.   Biol. Bull. 182: 145-154.

Tankersley, R. A. and R. V. Dimock, Jr. 1993.  Endoscopic visualization
         of the functional morphology of the ctenidia of the unionid mussel
         Pyganodon cataracta.  Can. J. Zool.   71: 811-819.

Tankersley, R. A. and R. V. Dimock, Jr. 1993. The effect of larval brooding on
         the respiratory physiology of the freshwater unionid mussel
         Pyganodon cataracta. Am. Midl. Nat. 130:146-163.

Tankersley, R. A. and R. V. Dimock, Jr. 1993. The effect of larval brooding
         on the filtration rate and particle retention efficiency of
         Pyganodon cataracta. (Bivalvia: Unionidae). Can. J. Zool.
          71: 1934-1944.

Dimock, R. V., Jr. and A. H. Wright. 1993. Sensitivity of juvenile freshwater
        mussels to hypoxic, thermal and acid stress. J. Elisha. Mitch. Sci. Soc.
        109: 183-192.

Polhill, J. B., V., and R. V. Dimock, Jr. 1996.  Effects of temperature and pO2
        on the heart rate of juvenile and adult freshwater mussels (Bivalvia:
        Unionidae). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 114A:  135-141.

Shadoan, M. K. and R. V. Dimock, Jr. 2000. Differential sensitivity of hooked
        (Utterbackia imbecillis) and hookless (Megalonaias nervosa)glochidia to
        chemical and mechanical stimuli (Bivalvia: Unionidae). pp 93-102, In, R. A. 
        Tankersley, D. I. Warmolts, G. T. Watters, B. J. Armatage, P. D. Johnson and 
        R. S. Butler,(editors). Freshwater Mollusk Symposium Proceedings, Ohio Biological Survey,
        Columbus, Ohio.
Dimock, R. V., Jr. 2000. Oxygen consumption by juvenile Pyganodon cataracta
        (Bivalvia: Unionidae) in response to declining oxygen tension. pp. 1-8 In, R. A.
        Tankersley,D. I. Warmolts, G. T. Watters, B. J. Armatage, P. D. Johnson and 
        R. S. Butler,(editors). Freshwater Mollusk Symposium Proceedings, Ohio Biological Survey,
        Columbus, Ohio.
Fisher, G. R. and R. V. Dimock, Jr. 2000. Viability of glochidia of Utterbackia
following their removal from the parental mussel. pp. 185-188, In, R. A. 
        Tankersley, D. I. Warmolts, G. T. Watters, B. J. Armatage, P. D. Johnson and 
        R. S. Butler,(editors). Freshwater Mollusk Symposium Proceedings, Ohio Biological Survey,
        Columbus, Ohio.
Schwartz, M. L. and R. V. Dimock, Jr. 2001. Ultrastructural evidence for nutritional
        exchange between brooding unionid mussels and their glochidia larvae. Invert.
        Biol.  120: 227-236.

Fisher, G. R. and R. V. Dimock, Jr. 2002. Ultrastructure of the mushroom body: digestion during
        metamorphosis of Utterbackia imbecillis (Bivalvia: Unionidae) Invert. Biol. 121: 126-135.

Fisher, G. R. and R. V. Dimock, Jr. 2002. Morphological and molecular changes during metamorphosis
        in Utterbackia imbecillis (Bivalvia: Unionidae) J. Moll. Stud. 68: 159-164.

Rogers, C. L. and R. V. Dimock, Jr. 2003. Acquired resistance of bluegill sunfish Lepomis macrochirus
to glochidia larvae of the freshwater mussel Utterbackia imbecillis (Bivalvia: Unionidae)
following multiple infections. J. Parasitol. 89: 51-56

Dodd, B. J., M. C. Barnhart, C. L. Rogers-Lowery, T. B. Fobian, R. V. Dimock, Jr., 2005. Cross-resistance
 of largemouth bass to glochidia of unionid mussels. J. Parasitol. 91: 1064-1072

Fisher, G. R. and R. V. Dimock, Jr. 2006. Indicators of physiological condition in juvenile Utterbackia imbecillis (Bivalvia: Unionidae): a comparison of rearing techniques. Amer. Malacol. Bull. 21: 23-29

Rogers-Lowery, C. L. and R. V. Dimock, Jr.  2006. Encapsulation of attached ectoparasitic larvae of freshwater
mussels by epithelial tissue on fins of naive and resistant host fish. Biol. Bull. 210: 51-63