** Instructions for reproducing the plots found in the 2020 PRD "Correlations between a Hawking particle and its partner in a 1+1D Bose-Einstein condensate analog black hole" ** There are only 2 sets of data producers as the Two-delta function model has an analytic solution. 1.) In order to generate the final plots one must numerically compute the scattering coefficients in the exterior regions for both the modes which appear to originate on I- and for the modes which appear to originate on H- and the scattering coefficients in the interior. 2.) Run each of the programs in the folder "DataProducers/2013" to compute these coefficients for the 2013 PRD profile. 3.) Run each of the programs in the folder "DataProducers/M4p17" to compute these coefficients for the Waterfall profiles which attempts to match the 2016 experimental result of Steinhauer. 4.) Each file in the folder "Plot Producers" computes output figures produced in the paper.